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A6GCS #2042 Targa Florio 53


To succeed the Monofaro, Maserati produced the A6GCS/53 in 48 units between 1953 and 1955.
Gioacchino Colombo's 6-cylinder / 2-litre engine, alloy block (despite the G in the name), two overhead camshafts for 170 hp, bodywork by Fantuzzi, allowed this lightweight 2-seater barquette to travel at 235 km/h.

#2042 was the second A6GCS in the series. First owned by Sergio Mantovani in 1953, who drove it 9 times in races, notably as No. 66 in the Targa Florio 53 with Juan Manuel Fangio where they won a fine 3rd place. In 1954 John Simone and Ferraguti would contest 4 more races at the wheel of #2042 until April 1954, which was its last appearance.

(source “A6GCS” by Walter Bäumer and Jean-François Blachette)

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A6GCS #2042 Targa Florio 53


 Production :

 Race :



Targa Florio 1953

 Pilot :

Mantovani / Fangio

 Engine :

6 Cyl en ligne

 Displacement :

1985 cm3

 Power :

170 ch // 7300 tr/min

 0 to 100 km/h :

 Maximum speed :


235 km/h

 Coachbuilder/Designer :

G. colombo (Fantuzzi)

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Leo Models

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