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A6GCS #2074


To succeed the Monofaro, Maserati produced the A6GCS/53 in 48 units between 1953 and 1955.
Gioacchino Colombo's 6-cylinder / 2-litre engine, alloy block (despite the G in the name), two overhead camshafts for 170 hp, bodywork by Fantuzzi, allowed this lightweight 2-seater barquette to travel at 235 km/h.

#2074 was first sold to Luigi Bellucci in 1954 who brilliantly ran 11 races and won one, the “Coppa Pietro Cidonio l’Aquila” in July; then it raced at the hands of Azzuro Manzini in 1955 and 56, alas without victories despite good rankings. Exported to Venezuela, it became the property of Julio Pola, then Manuel Perez. She disappeared after her last race in 1960 and was only found and formally identified despite her particular color in 1984 in Cuba.
(source “A6GCS” by Walter Bäumer and Jean-François Blachette)

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A6GCS #2074


 Production :

 Race :




 Pilot :


 Engine :

6 Cyl en ligne

 Displacement :

1985 cm3

 Power :

170 ch // 7300 tr/min

 0 to 100 km/h :

 Maximum speed :


235 km/h

 Coachbuilder/Designer :

G.Colombo ( Fantuzzi)

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